Say Goodbye to Dry Skin and Eczema...Naturally!

If you or someone you love is dealing with dry skin and eczema, you know that it can be painful and the itching can be unbearable. While various medical treatments are available, there are also ways to treat your condition naturally.
There are different types of eczema, all of which cause inflammation and irritation of the skin. It’s said to be an allergic condition which when triggered causes the skin to develop areas of itchy, scaly rashes, so preventing flare-ups is key.
Today we’ll take a look at two ways you can begin to prevent or even eliminate future eczema flare-ups. It all begins with your diet and choosing healthy skin care products that nourish your dry skin.
It’s important to understand that the root causes of eczema are best addressed through making changes in your diet. Eczema is an inflammatory, allergic condition, so you’ll want to eat foods that are anti-inflammatory and stay away from foods that cause inflammation.
When you’re dealing with an allergic condition, you’ll also want to make sure to eat a diet that supports your gut health and immune system. An estimated 80 percent of your immune system is located in your gut, so it’s important to support a healthy digestive system. Your diet should include foods and supplements that will supply your body with plenty of beneficial bacteria, or probiotics.
Foods and supplements to include in your diet are:
- probiotics (at least 20 billion organisms per serving)
- fermented vegetables
- fresh vegetables and/or vegetable juice
- fruit
- whole grains such as brown rice and bulgar wheat
- omega-3 fats
- bone broth (high in gelatin which is very soothing to the gut and great for hair, skin, and nail health)
- Vitamin E (400 IU – assists with healing of wounds and supports utilization of fatty acids)
- Vitamin D3 (2000 IU-5000 IU – boosts immune system)
- turmeric (reduces inflammation)
With eczema, your dry skin is very sensitive to what it’s exposed to. It’s best to avoid irritating detergents and soaps. Instead choose gentle, all-natural cleansers and skin care products (no worries…Cevanna Naturals’ has a new shampoo and body wash in the final test phase, so stay tuned!).
Many lotions and creams that are marketed to persons with dry skin and eczema contain mineral oil. According to Dr. Mercola, mineral oil has been linked to no less than 23 different diseases and health problems, including autoimmune diseases and a number of different cancers.
Cevanna Naturals Hair & Body Butter is an all-natural alternative that will provide moisture and protection to your dry skin without chemicals and irritants. With ingredients including Unrefined Coconut Oil, Raw Organic Unrefined Shea Butter, Vitamin E, Aloe Vera Gel, and more…our body butter truly nourishes and supports the healing of your skin.
One customer, Heather Robles, shared:
my husband has zero dry skin!!
He has used EVERY dry skin product out in this world…seriously!
And having to apply them 2-3x a day before it was “good” for the day.
He uses Cevanna Naturals once a day
and is good to go for the day!!
Love this!!…”
So, if you’re dealing with dry skin and eczema, in addition to improving your diet, give Cevanna Naturals a try today!
Love, Keisha & Cevanna Cevanna Naturals